What is callback function

What is Callback Function?

A callback function is a function that you pass as an argument to another function. Once the outer function completes its operation, it executes the callback. This method gives you more flexibility and control, especially when dealing with asynchronous tasks, like retrieving data or processing events.

Two Ways to Use Callback Functions

1. Synchronous Callbacks: In this approach, the callback runs right after the primary function finishes its task. You often use synchronous callbacks when you don’t need to wait for any long-running processes. For example, in calculations, the callback processes the result immediately after the primary function completes.


function process(x, callback) {
     let result = x * 2;
process(5, function(result) {
     console.log(result); // Output: 10

2. Asynchronous Callbacks: Here, the callback runs after an asynchronous operation completes. It is helpful for tasks like data fetching or file reading, where you don’t want the main program to pause while waiting for the result. The program keeps running other code, and once the asynchronous operation finishes, the callback executes.


setTimeout(function() {
      console.log("This runs after 2 seconds.");
}, 2000);

Why Do You Need Callback Functions?

You need callback functions when you want to handle time-consuming tasks without blocking the rest of your code. For example, when your program requests a server or reads a file, you don’t want to freeze the entire application while waiting for the response. By using callbacks, you allow the program to continue running other tasks and handle the response when it arrives.

What are the Benefits of Callback Functions?

1. Improves Performance: With callbacks, your code can handle multiple tasks at once, which makes your application more efficient and responsive.

2. Increases Modularity: Callback functions allow you to break complex tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. You can reuse the same callback in different situations, reducing redundancy.

3. Offers Flexibility: You can pass different functions as callbacks depending on the specific need, making your code more adaptable.

Asynchronous Functions vs. Asynchronous Callbacks

Both asynchronous functions and asynchronous callbacks let you write non-blocking code, but they handle it differently. In modern JavaScript, async/await provides a cleaner and more readable way to manage asynchronous code. Instead of nesting callbacks (which can make code more challenging to read), async/await flattens the code and makes it easier to follow.

However, callbacks are still widely used, especially in event-driven programming and older libraries. While async/await enhances readability, callbacks remain a powerful tool for handling asynchronous tasks in many applications.